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Hackerspace PiSeC v Písku

read [:hackerspace peecek]

ATTENTION from this week on we meet at 20:00 at Hradiště

Regular meetings of our Hackerspace are every Wednesday at 19:00. We meet at Hradiště in the are of the former boilerhouse “u komína”. Map here. Písek's hackerspace members welcome anyone to come.

On our first meeting we tried data reading with USRP1 RDSN (which are 1k2 data send concurrently with FM broadcasting). After long hacking we managed to read them. Our next step would be to improve the antenna and create solutions for remote acces. After that, we might have a look at what the data means.

Anyone who's interested, just stop by.

Anyone with interest in interesting things around themselves are invited. If you want to write us something, use the guestbook at the Radioklub webpage.

3.14th Hackerspace in the Czech Republic

When our eyes first saw the Robotour 2010 starting list, we found, among other things, team Brmbot. After thorough investigation, not only had we “discovered Hackerspace”, but even figured out, that a lot of what our Radioklub does, is Hackerspace activity with only one difference, that a Radioamateur has rights to broadcast. So we have figured, that we could invite some new friends to our inventing, thinking and creating new things. And that's when we estabilished the third (maybe fourth) Hackerspace in the Czech Republic.

hackerspace Pisec - is now an existing space, where we can in our free time meet each other, think and work together, and create interesting things, or perhaps do lectures and present our results to others.

We are already working and have worked on many interesting projects, we meet on a regular basis, organize and take part in events and we're constantly trying to enlighten the youth about robotics and automatization.

We will gladly welcome anyone interested in our projects and community - it doesn't matter what you can do already and what not, the only thing that counts is the will to learn, create, build and invent!

en/start.1316554009.txt.gz · Last modified: 20.09.2011 21:26 by Martin Černý
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