We made robotic platform called PIVo. First two prototypes are now for sale. It can be used for building outdoor mobile robots. We tested this platform on two years of Robotour contest and robots made on this platform won the 3rd place.
Supplied with 12V batteries
Two motors PWM controlled
Drive 4×4
Differential drives
Odometry with 1cm accuracy
Spring loaded
High maneuverability and throughput through terrain</WRAP>
Dimensions 36 x 41 x 19cm
Weight about 5Kg without batteries +10Kg batteries
Payload 10Kg
Price: 1950 € or 46900 CZK Orders and other informations on email ok1kpi@kufr.cz
We can sent both prototypes immediately. We can make more of them during one month since binding order.
Demo application: invisible rope
(přidat odkaz na Tondovo článek z robot revue)
en/projects/pivo.txt · Last modified: 14.06.2011 20:46 by Karel Kozlík